Saturday 26 July 2014

Brasov. Random shots

 St Nicolas`Cathedral is my favourite orthodox church in Brasov. It´s located outside the city walls but it definitely worth a visit.

 The bells` tower stands close to the Church.

 Behind dilapidated buildings are hidden gardens. To find them you just need to get lost in the streets of Brasov.

 Even in the citadel at the top of the hill you can find shelter from the sun.

I started my trip to Romania alone but there I met amazing people everyday so I never felt lonely. This is Ilona from the White Tower, posing with the old town behind.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Brasov. City of bears

Few years ago Bears used to come down from the surrounded woods to feed on city garbage and somehow this was seen as a tourist attraction and people had fun with their magnificent visitors. But in 2008 everything changed, a drunk guy challenged one of this bears to a fight and he obviously lost his life in the first round. Since then the authorities are working to relocate the bears to other mountains further from the city.

Monday 21 July 2014

Brasov. Biserica Neagră "The Black Church"

 This massive church located in the centre of Brasov gain its creepy name after Austrian troops arson it in 1689. Built between 1384 and 1477, The Black Church is the largest Gothic church from Vienna to Istanbul. Because I am a metal maniac every time I sighted its walls I dreamt about playing my bass inside with my metalcore band. Maybe one day...

Saturday 19 July 2014

Brasov. Strada Sforii

 Strada Sforii (String Street) is one of the narrowest streets in Europe. According to Wikipedia only Spreuerhofstrasse in Germany and Parliament Street in England are narrower. It´s almost definitely the best way to walk back home after a night out as the street is narrow enough to prevent you swaying.

Friday 18 July 2014

Brasov. Piata Sfatului

 The 1420 Council house. Locals say that the clock tower is haunted and it actually has historical reasons for this: in the square many people has been tortured to death in the past and here is where the last witch burning in Europe took place.

Nowdays the square is surrounded by cafes and restaurants and it´s a great place to chill out in the evening.

I was sitting in the square waiting for my CS friend when suddenly some trumpeters started to play from the Tower Clock and these halberdiers marched around the fountain.

Piata Sfatului has been the heart of Brasov since 1364.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without camera.

I bought my little Nikon D60 5 years ago and now I see the world from a different perspective, I wonder about things I see in a more intensive way. Thanks of taking my camera everywhere I travel, I challenge myself further in finding the beauty surround me and sometimes even capture it in a picture. 
I start this blog hoping to reflect about the places I visit and share my experiences with the world.